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Meet Lexy

I'm a professional hairbrush singer, ice cream eater & football watcher. I'm also really well rounded in the art of sarcasm and "that's what she said" jokes. I'm really good at loving anything fluffy - especially doggies and you will almost always catch me smiling. On your wedding day, I'll be your professional photographer, dress fluffer, make-up holder, snack giver & backup tampon girl. 


My favorite moments on a wedding day are usually the ones that involve happy tears, like the first time your dad sees you and walks you down the aisle, or when you exchange your super sweet personalized vows. I also love spending alone time with you and your husband mostly because I enjoy being the third wheel but also because this is the time of the day when you really just get to soak in being husband and wife. 


Guilty pleasure: Ben & Jerry's half baked ice cream. It's just so delicious in my mouth. (that's what she said?) sorry, that was inappropriate. 

Favorite television shows: Fixer Upper, Kid's Baking Challenge & This is Us, but I also had a field day binge watching Breaking Bad back in the day. 

Favorite smell(s) - ( because who can pick just one?) are brownies in the oven and a campfire at night in the fall. 

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